
Design trends are always in flux; what’s relevant today may become obsolete by tomorrow. As such, staying up to date with current design practices is essential for any designer or industry professional looking to remain competitive and stay ahead of the curve.

Within this context, there are three key design trends which have revolutionized digital experiences: video game-inspired elements, challenging typography choices, and personalization through avatars — all pushing the boundaries of traditional design concepts while reaching new heights when it comes to user engagement.

In this outline article we will go over each one more thoroughly along with its advantages within different industries as well as successful implementations we can draw inspiration from!

Trend 1: Video Game Inspiration in Design

Video games on contemporary design

The influence of video games on contemporary design is unmistakable. Game elements, such as gamification and interactive interfaces are being incorporated into a variety of designs to foster user engagement and satisfaction. By leveraging gameplay mechanics, designers can create captivating digital experiences that draw in users like never before seen with traditional web pages or applications.

Additionally, graphics from classic series have become icons for the gaming generation—sparking nostalgia while enticing new audiences forward in time toward innovative designs inspired by beloved characters and themes within iconic franchises/series’ worlds.

With continuing research into virtual reality technology emerging every day; there’s no limit to how much farther these ideas will propel us towards completely immersive game-based entertainment through thoughtful designer initiatives bringing fictional universes close enough so we virtually touch them if given half a chance!

Gamification and Interactive interfaces

Impact of gamification


Video game elements have been increasingly featured in designs, resulting in creative and interactive experiences for users. Gamification encourages user engagement by utilizing design techniques commonly found in video games such as awards, levels of progress or mastery badges that reward the players’ achievements.

Furthermore, incorporating character-based navigation systems gives a sense of identity to an experience while providing an intuitive way for users to navigate menus quickly yet entertainingly.

Interactive interfaces feature dynamic UI components allowing varying interactions from simple tap and drag swipes up to complex mechanics like using levers, triggers or universal gestures – giving each interaction more meaningfulness which elevates the overall user satisfaction.

Benefits of video game-inspired design

Video game-inspired design is revolutionizing the industry as it incorporates elements from video games into contemporary designs. By using gamification, interactive interface, and animations, designers are creating immersive experiences that engage users and increase user satisfaction.

Through incorporating these aspects of modern gaming trends into their work, they’re providing more unique web browsing or in-store shopping experience for customers. One example can be observed in online retail stores where loyalty points grant shoppers rewards — similar to earning experience points playing a video game — prompting them to keep coming back.

This trend has also seen applications outside of the traditional “gaming market” such as e-learning programs boasting features like challenges completion badges which further engage students while enhancing learning outcomes significantly.

Successful implementations of video game-inspired design

Video game-inspired design is revolutionizing the industry, with various companies and organizations leveraging elements of gaming to create novel user experiences. For example, streaming platforms like Netflix have adopted interactive interfaces which enable users to select their desired content from level maps or character profiles.

Earning points in app for a challenge


Additionally, grocery store chains are using gamification techniques such as loyalty points systems for customers who achieve “missions” while shopping in order to encourage frequent purchases.

Automobile manufacturers utilize augmented reality (AR) features that take gamers on a virtual tour through their models before making selections at dealerships – ahead of production even starting!

Finally, fitness studios make use AR applications wherein players can exercise along preset workout routines within animated virtual settings powered by avatars unique to each studio’s brand identity. Overall these examples demonstrate how video game-inspired design powers customer engagement across different industries far beyond its original scope – proving just why this trend continues paving innovative pathways forward today!

Trend 2: Challenging Typography

Shift towards unconventional typography

Explore the potential of the letters


In recent years, there has been a shift towards experimental and unconventional typography in design. Creatives are now more likely to use difficult typefaces that deviate from the standard sans-serif or serif styles—from distorted letters to bold colors and expressive fonts. Challenging typography can create an eye-catching visual appeal while also evoking emotions —providing designers with greater flexibility when creating interfaces for diverse audiences.

Difficult typesets often become associated closely with brand identity, giving companies unique recognition among their peers; at the same time they enhance user experience by making it easier for people to differentiate between digital elements onscreen.

With its ability both add character whilst providing practical cues, challenging typographic solutions offer immense value in branding as well as usability considerations alike.

Brand identity

Example of typography in famous logos


By using experimental typefaces in their designs, companies can effectively communicate a distinct brand identity or message without relying on conventional methods such as images or graphics. Difficult typography also has an impact on user experience by providing visual interest while encouraging active engagement with content presented through text assets such as headlines, titles and subtitles.

Companies embracing difficult typography effectively

One example of a company successfully embracing difficult typography is Egg and Spoon Creative, an agency specializing in web development. Their use of unconventional fonts gives their clients’ websites unexpected visual elements that capture attention without disrupting readability or overall branding intentions.

Similarly, the online magazine KKLD leverages unusual font combinations to craft bold headlines for each issue—generating social engagement and effectively communicating the publication’s distinct brand identity through thoughtful type selection.

For designers looking to challenge conventions, Bennett Fey has crafted multiple custom alphabets which can be applied across a multitude of applications from logos to text-based illustrations like those seen on bumper stickers and apparel tags.

Finally, Zane Schwartz experiments with pixelated letterforms within his digital installations displaying both formative accuracy as well as creative disregard using highly sophisticated techniques including automated generativity processes forcing the viewer between balanced stability versus complete chaos perception scenarios.

Trend 3: Avatar Design for Personalization

Rising popularity of avatars in digital interfaces

Avatar icons


Avatar design is rapidly becoming an essential element of digital interfaces. As more users are leveraging technology services on their phones and computers, they’re expecting personalization that goes beyond just basic customization options. Avatars allow developers to fulfill this need in a way that’s engaging and aesthetically pleasing. They offer a fun way for customers to express themselves while also creating connections with brands or applications at the same time.

Furthermore, avatars provide an ideal opportunity for app designers to achieve unique user experiences by allowing clients to build virtual identities through facial expressions, clothing choices or even suggestive poses throughout animations; UI/UX professionals can take advantage of avatar-based designs when delivering personalized messages or notifications that benefit from extra visual cues.

Personalization and Enhanced User Experiences

Gucci using avatar in their brand


Avatars enable users to create icons or visual representations of themselves in digital interfaces, providing an emotional connection between the person and their online presence. Through avatars, developers can provide personalized content tailored specifically to individual preferences such as interests or past purchases allowing customers to have unique interactions with products and services.

Role of avatars in fostering a sense of identity and connection

Avatars have the potential to empower customers by fostering strong connections with brands – creating loyal communities that engage in meaningful experiences together online.

On top of this, designers can use creative interpretation when designing custom avatars; giving each character its own personality which serves as an anchoring point during interactions between the user and product/service provider.

Through these visually stimulating personas will come newfound sense of self-identification within otherwise impersonal encounters – ultimately leading towards higher engagement levels from all sides!

Examples of platforms or applications leveraging avatar design successfully

Social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter have all implemented avatar features which allow users to customize their digital representation with photographic likenesses or cartoonish animations; this creates a unique sense of self-expression among members within the online community.

Additionally, customer service applications such as LivePerson are using avatars to facilitate conversations between customers and representatives that result in more meaningful experiences through a greater emotional connection in relationships.


These three game-changing design trends – video game inspiration, challenging typography and avatar design for personalization – have revolutionized the industry. They offer exciting ways to engage users with interactive interfaces, create strong brand identities through unconventional text elements and foster meaningful connections between people using virtual avatars.

Designers should stay informed about these ever-evolving practices in order to remain competitive while creating engaging experiences that meet user expectations and interests. Embracing all of these elements can help designers produce captivating designs that keep both customers coming back again time after time.

Ryan Nead
VP of Business Development

Ryan is the VP of marketing at He is focused on growth initiatives in providing the best custom software development and website design/UX experiences for clients worldwide.

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