web footer web design

A website footer plays a vital role in maximizing user experience and improving search engine optimization (SEO).

A well-designed footer should provide key information that users need, as well as make it easy to navigate the site.

This includes contact information, copyright notice, a clear sitemap link with hierarchical navigation tools such as dropdown menus or breadcrumbs trails. Additionally, social media links can be included for maximum exposure along with terms of use and privacy policy notices..

To create an effective design strategy when developing your website‘s footer consider size & placement; font choice & size; color scheme; white space hierarchy of content—all of which will impact the overall look and appeal even more so than other developments on page one itself!

By being mindful of these best practices during development you could potentially improve traffic growth through increased visibility comes from better SEO rankings – ideal for any new business owner looking to scale up their online presence swiftly without breaking the bank.

Components of a Website Footer

Components of a Website Footer

A website footer is typically comprised of several sections which contain information that helps support the user experience and navigation on a website, as well as providing legal protection to its owners. The components included in most websites’ footers are:

1. Contact Information

This should include details such as geo-location info (city/state) or contact forms for customers, clients and users seeking more specific help from you in areas like tech support or customer service inquiries;

2. Copyright Notice

A copyright notice provides necessary legal information regarding ownership claims over your site content;

3. Site Map

Having an easy-to-find sitemap link allows visitors quickly see all their page options at once without hard searching through tags, categories or other lengthy pathways to find what they need;

4. Social Media Links

These can be shared across all platforms linking back directly & immediately connecting with others instantly when visiting your main domain allowing visibility into everything related with no extra work needed ;

5. Privacy Policy

Within this contextual piece lies important data about how any personal behavior collected by cookies found within banner ads may get used further down the line. It also serves as fundamental language protecting both creator and consumer collaboration stringently clear.

6. Terms of Use

This section is where the legal agreement between both the website and user is cemented. It helps protect all parties associated with the exchanges of any data betwixt websites whether it’s personal or financial information being transferred;

Design Considerations

design consideration of footer

Design is an important element when creating a website footer.

Some key design considerations include:  size and placement, font choice and size, color scheme, white space, and hierarchy of information.

1. Size and placement

It’s important that the elements within your footer are properly sized in relation to each other so that everything fits without feeling too cluttered or overwhelming for users; this way you can make sure all necessary components get equal attention from viewers regardless of device type (desktop vs mobile).

2. Font choice and size

Font choice should be easy-to-read with correct sizing (e.g., not overly large but still visible even on higher resolution displays) while adhering to any brand standards determined beforehand

3. Color scheme

The same goes for colors: establish consistency across pages by using existing ones as much as possible rather than introducing new hues into various aspects throughout the site itself including its layout/design background sections such as footer.

4. White space and hierarchy

White space should be used generously to “breathe” and provide a clear contrast between the various elements, while information within it itself needs hierarchy—grouping/sections can help display content better by organizing them according to priority (e.g., social links at top then copyright notice below).

It all plays an important role in how visitors interact with your website so make sure everything is well thought-out first before proceeding on making any actual changes!

Best Practices

Best Practices for website footer

Provide best practices for creating a well-designed website footer, such as:

Keep it simple and uncluttered

Keeping the design of the website footer minimal helps users quickly find what they are looking for without getting overwhelmed or distracted by other elements on the page. This also makes sure that important information is not buried among less relevant details.

Use consistent design elements

Consistent style across all pages can create familiarity with content which leads to better user experience in navigation when exploring through different webpages linked within your site’s hierarchy structure as aspects like font type, color scheme/tints used should remain unchanged while moving from one end of your site to another (generally during scrolling).

Make it easy to read and navigate

Creating an easily navigable footer is one of the most important best practices for creating a website. A well-organized and intuitively designed menu should allow users to quickly find what they are looking for without seeing clutter or unnecessary information.

To make your footer easier to scan, use headings such as main navigation menus, secondary levels in dropdown lists when there’s too much content per page or list items with hard breaks between each option instead of cluttering all options into long bullet points—all while sticking within font size parameters that won’t overwhelm readers on any device ( desktop, mobile).

Use contrasting colors to make important information stand out

Using contrasting colors to make important information stand out is an effective way of guiding the users’ eyes towards certain elements in a website footer. For example, including contrast between two different shades of grey or black and white can help draw attention to links such as contact info, site maps, privacy policies etc., making them easier for visitors to find.

Examples of Well-Designed Website Footers

Examples of Well-Designed Website Footers

Website footers are an important part of any project and should be designed with purpose to enhance the user experience (UX). Below, we will explore examples that demonstrate various design elements for well-designed website footers:

1. Twitter

It is a popular social media platform used by millions every day. The company has created an intuitive and modern site including its sleekly designed footer which includes essential information such as contact info, support links & ways to connect on other platforms while being prominent yet noninvasive in appearance.

2. YouTube

Youtube provides content ranging from informational videos to gaming streams making their target audience vastly diverse; hence they have tailored their UI/UX accordingly – providing only those details that are necessary without cluttering it up or distracting users away from what brought them there – video streaming!

This can be seen through their meticulously thought out web page’s minimum clean single text column containing helpful links placed directly below some featured channels.

3. Squarespace

Squarespace offers creative designs whilst simultaneously remaining minimalist enabling efficient navigation throughout.  Their website offers visual appeal while still being minimalistic and easy to navigate.

In their footer layout, they include a company logo as well as quick link menus featuring contact/support centered information accompanied by creators tools & community support choices for newbies.


The importance of a well-designed website footer cannot be overstated. It helps users find whatever content they’re looking for, quickly and easily navigate the site, and can also have positive implications when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

All websites should strive towards creating an effective footer that includes all essential components like contact information, copyright notice, social media links and more.

Design considerations such as font choice size color scheme hierarchy of info need to kept in mind while designing these elements so they provide the best user experience possible.

There’s more than one way to capture and hold visitor attention, and our web design teams are experts in this area. If you’re ready to have the best website footer, connect with us today – we’d love to work with you.

Ryan Nead
VP of Business Development

Ryan is the VP of marketing at He is focused on growth initiatives in providing the best custom software development and website design/UX experiences for clients worldwide.

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