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How to Get More Control over Custom HTML/CSS in WordPress

In the visual editor, you can add custom HTML blocks to your site from the menu that appears as you edit a page. It can be a little challenging to use at first, but once you get the hang of it you shouldn’t have any trouble.

The Impact of AI Technology on Web Design

Something pretty cool has happened in the world of web design and development. Now, with the help of AI technology, designers and developers have a bunch more options at their disposal.

Pros & Cons of Using Website Templates for Web Design

If you know how to install and customize a template web design, you could be up and running in one day if you work hard enough.

The 5 Most Underestimated, But Best CMS Platforms for Web Design

When choosing a CMS platform for your website, it’s critical to choose one that will provide you with the best security.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): How to Skyrocket Your Website Conversions

Conversion rate optimization is directly tied to the effectiveness of your copy. Even if you target only visitors who are ready to buy and want to buy from you – you still have to persuade them to take that final step, pull out their credit card, and pay.

How To Make Money From a Simple WordPress Website

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that will help you build a successful online business. It was first used to build blogs, but has evolved into the perfect platform to build an online business.