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Effective Typography Hierarchy: Mastering you Design

When used thoughtfully, typography hierarchy provides structure to written content while enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

Unconscious Biases in Inclusive Web Design

Unconscious biases have become eminent in the current society, that are induced by emotive reactions acquired from one's past experiences and cognitions.

Mastering Data Visualization in Website Design

Data visualization involves creating graphical representations (e.g., charts, plots, maps) of data for effective visual communication.

Web Design's Hidden Genius: Lessons Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a firm believer in the importance of simplicity, both in his art and inventions. For him, simplicity was key to producing aesthetically pleasing designs that were still functional.

Why Copying Website Design (Almost) Always Fails

Copying designs in the design industry can be incredibly risky; while it may save some time initially, there is no guarantee that the copied designs will be successful or look professional.

Essence of Design Thinking

Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving process that emphasizes a user-centric approach and encourages objective thinking, creative collaboration, and improved outcomes.