A professional graphic designer will prepare print-ready PDF files so you can continue printing your logo design and any other strong brand identity images.
Now that you know why automated backlink plugins are a bad idea, it’s time to explore the different ways to ensure you don’t get caught in one of these traps.
Lead segmentation is critical for your email's marketing strategy. If your web form isn't segmenting your leads by applying tags automatically, your leads are probably collecting dust in your database.
Sometimes small issues aren’t typos, but stem from a lack of knowledge regarding file hierarchies, overrides, and the structure of markup and code.
You need good content, that people want to read/watch/listen to, and you need to keep things fresh enough that they keep coming back for more.
After WordPress, Shopify has the next largest market share at 6.6%. That may not seem high, especially compared to WordPress at 65.1%.