If you have a large budget for email marketing, try using Infusionsoft for advanced segmentation capabilities. It’s better than MailChimp when you have an intricate email marketing campaign.
According to statistics, email marketing has the highest ROI of any form of marketing.Email marketing is also easier to measure than the ROI of design.
How convincing are your product descriptions? If you thought they were just informational, think again. Every single word on your website is an opportunity to bring a lead closer to becoming a customer.
The first thing you need to figure out is how you’re going to build your websites. If you have experience developing websites, you might decide to build each site for your clients.
Having a blog allows you to publish interesting content that your visitors want to read. It’s the perfect opportunity to publish content that will encourage new visitors to become more deeply engaged with your brand on a regular basis.
While MailChimp is just for email marketing, Infusionsoft is an entire customer relationship management (CRM) suite. With Infusionsoft, you’ll get a shopping cart, sales management, and more